Panchasheel Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Khamgaon

Homoeopathic Materia Medica

Department of Homoeopathic Materia Medica

Celebrate The Golden Jubilee

WWelcome to the department of Homoeopathic Materia Medica.The department is spacious area with well furnished infrastructure. Materia medica is a subject, which is taught from first to final year. Department has progressed by adding various teaching aids and materials. For better understanding of knowledge of Materia Medica the department is enriched with various charts ,wall magazines and pictorial drug constitutions. Several books of materia medica subject are available for reference in departmental library.

Department of materia medica aims at providing a sound knowledge of the effectiveness of Homoeopathic drug through audio-visual teaching techniques. Seminars, Workshops, clinical presentations are conducted for students regularly for facilitating keen knowledge of the subject and as a result students get theoretical as well as practical approach efficiently.

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About Homoeopathy

Homoeopathy is scientific, logical, safe, quick and extremely effective method of healing. It offers long lasting to permanent cure, treating the disease from its roots, for most of the ailments. Homoeopathy is one of the most rational sciences with respect to its concepts of health, disease and cure. Homoeopathy does not treat superficially by just driving away the symptoms but heals the patient from within. Undoubtedly, homeopathy is the medicine of future.

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similia similibus curentur

Homoeopathy is a system of alternative medicine created in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann based on his doctrine of like cures like (similia similibus curentur), a claim that a substance that causes the symptoms of a disease in healthy people would cure similar symptoms in sick people. Large-scale studies have found homeopathic preparations to be no more effective than a placebo, suggesting that positive feelings after taking homeopathic medicines are due to the placebo effect and normal recovery from illness. Homoeopathy is a pseudoscience—a belief that is incorrectly presented as scientific—and is ineffective for treating any condition.

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